It's that old saying, isn't it?

We have two eyes, two ears, and one mouth, so we should look and listen twice as much as we speak.

You're writing about something I've been considering for quite some time now, how we look at different people and 'judge' them by how they look. Social media has exacerbated the problem because we usually only see the perfect lives there. We don't see the bleary-eyed squinting of early mornings, the harried late-for-a-meeting face, the near comatose face on public transport, the angry arguing-with-a-spouse face.

None of us knows what the person in front of us in the supermarket queue has been through that day, or what their story is, why they're grumpy, or distant, or just resigned.

But we all know we've been there, so I think the key is to be kind to everyone, because you just don't know.

A smile might be just what they need.

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Absolutely! Perfectly said. It feels like as the stressors increase across the world we’re going to need kindness more than ever before.

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This piece was stunningly beautiful. As a woman in her 60s, it resonated deeply. Thank you.

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I’m so glad it spoke to you Lisa - thanks for writing to let me know. ❤️

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