Jul 4Liked by Sara Foster

If we can’t read about it, we can’t talk about it, and then it becomes a problem. If we can have open, safe discussions about these topics, lead by thoughtful, respectful writers, it leads to a more understanding and harmonious society.

Banning things never got us anywhere as a society.

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Perfectly summed up Maggie!

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Jul 1Liked by Sara Foster

I’m totally against book banning!

Yes to age appropriate access but we should not be stopping individuals from choosing the type of stories they want to read unless they are particularly inciting against others.

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Absolutely agree Janine.

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I love this exploration - thank you! I was also amused to discover many of my favourite books grace the banned lists. Banning re sexual content in books is low hanging fruit. As a mum raising 3 young people I struggled and fought over internet access for more than a decade. Regardless of the controls you put at home it is still so accessible and stats show very high levels of teens watching porn - seriously, who are these mums kidding? I'd rather have a thoughtful book over porn any day. Seems like arguing over place settings on the titanic as the deck tilts. Also, I hope you are wrong and the same sex parenting book ban was not the start of something but a strengthening and reinforcement of a strong sense of fairness that is embedded in Aussie culture. As a single sex couple raising 3 kids, now young adults I have constantly been surprised and delighted at the acceptance and support we have received. I know I don't live in western Sydney, but I choose to believe the backlash came from those good folks who have stood up again and again - I had so many friends more excited about gay marriage than I was. It was a gift they could give and were so thrilled to give it. xo

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Absolutely agree! Books are so vital in these areas around sexuality - I have people close to me for whom they are literally a lifeline - and others who might have had such different experiences if they had had access to them. Re porn - I was reading an article yesterday in SMH that because of porn something close to half of young people are trying sexual strangulation without realising the dangers…! Tbh I found the stat unbelievably astonishing but then how would I know!

also really hope I am wrong about the issue getting bigger here - one thing I do often console myself with is that a few people can make a lot of noise and so I would like to think this is the case with book banning advocates. It’s so good to hear you and your partner and family have felt so supported and loved.

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Oh my, that SMH article yesterday was an unglimmer for me, it left me feeling heartbroken that we can be normalising violence as an integral part of sex - just trying to work out how to have that conversation with my kids :(

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