So well written. I’ve had a love hate relationship with twitter too. Social media can be a never ending rabbit warren. Loved how you called it a ‘Time suck’- couldn’t agree more. I’m learning to used social media as a tool and and not let it use me.

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Thanks Ruth - I'm trying to do the same this year, to see social media as a tool and be very specific about when and how I use it. I'd love to escape that warren feeling!

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Jan 13Liked by Sara Foster

Marian Keyes is the only reason I've remained on Twitter because she is such a luminescent presence there; however, she engages far less than of old, and is - I think - moving to Threads

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I never adventured into Twitter Land, although I did hear years ago that trying to engage there was like trying to sip water from a fire hydrant.

Social media is just another ‘thing’ on the internet, and just like the internet, it can be a wonderful, enlightening, empowering place. There will always be those who seek to destroy and defile, it’s a sad part of human nature. The angry mob will always be there, but we can choose to walk away, to not engage, to spend time with thoughtful people and promote positivity.

Thanks for this piece, Sara, great stuff to mull over 🌻

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Ha, that's a fabulous description! Absolutely agree, thanks for commenting Maggie. And have a lovely weekend!

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This how I feel about Substack since Notes were introduced. It’s simply too much. So many people quoting other people’s writing followed by the inevitable flurry of thank yous. I’ve already simplified my use of this space and have deleted the app and only use the desktop version to pop in once a day. It’s too overwhelming for me otherwise.

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I haven't really got stuck into Notes other than to post my Substacks. I agree, simplifying spaces is so important. It's how I feel about Instagram with its posts, stories, reels, TV options too! Every time something else comes out it means we have to rethink our strategy around engagement. You sound like you have yours well under control - bravo!

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